Thumbnail Image Blurry

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Thumbnail Image Blurry 1
Sep 01, 2019 01:14 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Sep 2019
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Is there a way to make the thumbnail look better? I played around with taking out a featured image and adding the thumbnail through layout editor. Doing it this way makes the image quality better. I would have stuck with this but the problem is that the images came out all different sizes. I can add a CSS code to make them the same size but the cropped image isn't centered. So I ended up giving up on that route. The easier way is using a featured image but I was wondering why the quality of the thumbnail gets blurry...

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Thumbnail Image Blurry 4
Sep 01, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

There is default thumbnail load from media source options, there is an option "Featured image size" please see the screenshot


Thumbnail Image Blurry 5
- Sep 01, 2019 11:26 PM
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I guess another option is if someone could show me how to center the cropped thumbnail image in layout editor?

Thumbnail Image Blurry 5
- Sep 01, 2019 11:25 PM
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Yeah that's what I was talking about. The default featured image quality is not as good as when I choose the thumbnail from layout editor. Here's a screenshot. I added both thumbnails on top of each other so you can see the comparison: The only reason why I couldn't go with the layout editor's thumbnail is because the cropped thumbnail isn't centered. Otherwise, I would have just chosen this route versus using the default thumbnail.

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