Team plugin pagination menu does not load sets

Team plugin pagination menu does not load sets 1
May 11, 2017 08:43 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2017
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I am using Team Version 1.21 on WordPress 4.7.4.

I have one team and placed it in page via [team id="252"]

Pagination is set to Yes and posts per page to 6.

When I first clicked pagination links they gave a Continue Reading link and nothing else.

I read

I checked Permalink structure and it was set to  Post name.  I refreshed and then the Pagination links went to a 404 page instead.

I made a new page with that same shortcode and when published pagination only give Continue Reading links.   First try  Second try

Any advice would be welcome.


2 Subscribers
Team plugin pagination menu does not load sets 1
Team plugin pagination menu does not load sets 3
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Team plugin pagination menu does not load sets 4
May 11, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

I guess changing page slug ( may solve your issue, try something else (



Team plugin pagination menu does not load sets 5
- May 11, 2017 11:00 PM
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Thank you for the reply. Client made me remove plugin so consider issue closed.

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