Team error message – line 25

Team error message - line 25 1
Jan 30, 2018 10:14 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Mar 2017
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Getting this on our site, and I don't know why.  Please advise:

Notice: Undefined index: visibility in /home/content/a2pewpnaspod05_data02/92/41572792/html/wp-content/plugins/team/templates/social.php on line 25

2 Subscribers
Team error message - line 25 1
Team error message - line 25 3
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Team error message - line 25 4
Jan 30, 2018

Welcome to our forum. Can you please go Team > Settings and save once again or reset, or please select at least one checkbox under "Visibility" column in option Display social field on team member profile. Please see the screenshot Let me know the update. Regards

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