target _self not working

target _self not working 1
Feb 07, 2024 05:37 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Dec 2022
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If I use a post title in a layout, I can not choose target _self, if always sticks to target_blank

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target _self not working 1
target _self not working 3
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target _self not working 4
Azizul Raju
Feb 10, 2024

Thanks for getting back about the "link target" option! While it's working for me, I completely understand your frustration and want to help you get it working too.

Could you please take a quick look at these two things:
Saving the Layout: After customizing your settings, did you remember to click the "Update" button? You can find it here, as shown in this screenshot:

Matching Layout: Are you sure you've selected the correct layout for your grid settings? Please make sure you've selected the layout that you've edited. Here's a screenshot to help you find it:

Double-checking these steps can sometimes solve the problem quickly. If you've verified those and it's still not working, don't hesitate to reach out..

target _self not working 5
Azizul Raju
- Feb 11, 2024 11:52 AM
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I understand you’re encountering an error message with previously created post excerpts.

We’ve already identified a solution and prepared a custom version of the plugin that fixes this issue. It will be pushed to the official WordPress repository within 2-3 days.

However, if you want to resolve the issue sooner, you can download the custom version from this Google Drive link and manually install it within your WordPress dashboard.
Drive link –

Don’t worry if you’re unfamiliar with manual plugin installation! I’m happy to guide you through the process. Just let me know and I’ll provide step-by-step instructions.

To regenerate updated settings, click ‘Post Excerpt’ => ‘Link To’ and select an option from the dropdown.Screenshot –

target _self not working 6
- Feb 10, 2024 07:52 PM
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You created a new problem
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘postExcerpt.options?.linkTo.length’)
edit — index.js:589
wt — react-dom.min.js:10:47639
js — react-dom.min.js:10:120587
wl — react-dom.min.js:10:88662
bl — react-dom.min.js:10:88590
yl — react-dom.min.js:10:88453
il — react-dom.min.js:10:85277
fl — react-dom.min.js:10:85664
Nn — react-dom.min.js:10:32476
El — react-dom.min.js:10:93377
(anonieme functie) — react-dom.min.js:10:89837
v — react.min.js:10:3387
ce — react.min.js:10:5530
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘postExcerpt.options?.linkTo.length’)
edit — index.js:589
wt — react-dom.min.js:10:47639
js — react-dom.min.js:10:120587
wl — react-dom.min.js:10:88662
bl — react-dom.min.js:10:88590
yl — react-dom.min.js:10:88453
il — react-dom.min.js:10:85277
fl — react-dom.min.js:10:85664
Nn — react-dom.min.js:10:32476
El — react-dom.min.js:10:93377
(anonieme functie) — react-dom.min.js:10:89837
v — react.min.js:10:3387
ce — react.min.js:10:5530
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘postExcerpt.options?.linkTo.length’)
edit — index.js:589
wt — react-dom.min.js:10:47639
js — react-dom.min.js:10:120587
wl — react-dom.min.js:10:88662
bl — react-dom.min.js:10:88590
yl — react-dom.min.js:10:88453
il — react-dom.min.js:10:85277
fl — react-dom.min.js:10:85664
Nn — react-dom.min.js:10:32476
El — react-dom.min.js:10:93377
(anonieme functie) — react-dom.min.js:10:89837
v — react.min.js:10:3387

target _self not working 5
Azizul Raju
- Feb 10, 2024 05:04 PM
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We’ve just released update 2.2.74, which includes a fix for the issue you reported.

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