Strange layering with Team popup

Strange layering with Team popup 1
Oct 24, 2017 11:40 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Oct 2016
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Hi Nur! Could you please peek at I can't figure out why the very first person's popup (Paul, the owner, of course) gets strangely hidden by following Team thumbnails when scrolling with the popup open. The first popup is also covered by the menu bar which makes the closing X a bit tricky to locate. All the following team members' popups appear normally with the rest of the page elements beneath them. Thanks for any insight and ideas how I can correct this. And thanks for the great plugin and responsive support!

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Strange layering with Team popup 1
Strange layering with Team popup 3
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Strange layering with Team popup 4
Oct 24, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Please use following CSS to bring down popup box

.team-popup-box .team-slide {

  margin-top: 160px;

Can you please check team member content is there any broken HTML tag might cause the issue.


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