Some custom post types not displaying after upgrade to premium

Some custom post types not displaying after upgrade to premium 1
Aug 27, 2016 06:43 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2016
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Hello, I recently purchased and installed your full premium version of Post Grid, which I'm using with CPT UI for custom post types. Strangely, the posts in one of my custom types no longer displays in Post Grid, although others do. I can't seem to figure out what has changed or is different. Are you aware of any known issues or specific things I should check are set correctly? Thank you.

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Some custom post types not displaying after upgrade to premium 2
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Some custom post types not displaying after upgrade to premium 3
Aug 27, 2016

Welcome to our forum,

Sorry to say i have already noticed the issue with "CPT UI" plugin, we are trying to solved this issue,
I will let you know the update when done.


Some custom post types not displaying after upgrade to premium 4
- Aug 29, 2016 10:48 PM
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Hi, thanks very much for your response. I discovered my problem was a conflict with “RDP Wiki Embed” plugin. Hope this helps if someone else encounters the same issue.

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