Short code Not working

Ticket for: Accordions Combo
Short code Not working 1
Nov 05, 2020 04:15 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2020
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About 2 Days ago our page stopped rending the team shortcode: <a href=""></a>

It looks to be implemented correctly on the front end, with this shortcode being added as a shortcode [accordions id=\"7517\"]

It\'s run properly after some times error show content missing. I check the content in a backup accordion is empty there is no content there.

Plz, look into the matter this is urgent.

Thank you.


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Short code Not working 2
Nov 05, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Please check there is js error on the page, you need to fix these first.

TypeError: $(...).accordion is not a function

this error is happening when jQuery ui file is loaded on footer instead of header. or using external jQuery ui files.

Please try to deactivate any cache plugin or deactivate others plugin one by one to check if any 3rd party plugin causing the issue.


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