Hi there. I\\\'m thinking of buying the post grid plugin and I have a question. I am using a plugin that converts an uploaded pdf to an image (like to display a magazine cover) I want to be able to to created a grid archive page where I enter the shortcode that the plugin gives for the image and use that as the image above the title on the grid. Can someone tell me that it will do that before purchase? I can currently call the shortcode via archive page so that\\\'s not an issue I just want to make sure this plugin will support using the shortcode as the image

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i am not sure how the images saved under media? is it as a featured image of any post types or just like image media?
for both cases you should able to display images in post grid. please follow the settings if you want to display media's only.
if possible please send me a temporary admin access to your site, i will check the issue.