Set shortcode for one grid on two different places on one site

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Set shortcode for one grid on two different places on one site 1
Jul 22, 2020 07:24 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jul 2020
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Is it possible to create one grid and add this grid on different places on my website for example on my home-page and my contact-page? Because know it says "no posts found" on one of those two pages. Or do I need to create the grid again for every single place I want to place it?

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Set shortcode for one grid on two different places on one site 1
Set shortcode for one grid on two different places on one site 3
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Set shortcode for one grid on two different places on one site 4
Jul 22, 2020

Welcome to our forum.
No, you can use anywhere same post grid, you don't need to create multiple time to use on multiple places, Please show me the issue where the "no posts found" issue is happening, i will check why this is happening.


Set shortcode for one grid on two different places on one site 5
- Jul 23, 2020 11:29 AM
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It´s done. I found the problem on my own. I needed to make more blog-items for the slider than just one. And now it works.

Set shortcode for one grid on two different places on one site 5
- Jul 22, 2020 07:49 PM
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There is the same Shortcode but only one is working. Same on a different example with two equal codes.

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