Send application by email generate thousans of request on dashboard

Ticket for: Job Board Manager
Send application by email generate thousans of request on dashboard 1
Eddie Oliveira
Sep 28, 2019 04:49 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Sep 2019
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I have a problem sending email to respond to a job. When someone responds by email to a job the email is looped and generates thousands of requests on my dashboard.
I can not determine the problem. Is this a problem created by my site using cloudflare? Other think, and using reCATPCHA in my site but only don't work with Job Board Manager.
NOTE: the wordpress dashboard it's in português, use mouse right button to translate to english.

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Send application by email generate thousans of request on dashboard 1
Send application by email generate thousans of request on dashboard 3
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Send application by email generate thousans of request on dashboard 4
Sep 28, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

have you tried by enabling ReCaptcha? i should check the plugin to see if there any reason, you can temporary off application from settings by choosing none.


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