Secondary Filter for Post-Grid

Secondary Filter for Post-Grid 1
Feb 20, 2018 10:01 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2018
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Is it possible to filter and sort by a second -child taxonomy?

For example:

You have a Post with the main category "Food", then you have an additional or secondary category "Spicy Food".

So when you're sorting there would be multiple posts under "Food" but only certain types of "Spicy Food".

And the filter would be separate from the main filter for ease-of-use.

If it would require too much customization do you have any plugin to recommend for achieving this easily?

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Secondary Filter for Post-Grid 1
Secondary Filter for Post-Grid 3
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Secondary Filter for Post-Grid 4
Feb 20, 2018

Welcome to our forum,

I understand your issue but currently no support for secondary filter, although i have plan to make this to future version.



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