Search in accordions

Ticket for: Accordions
Search in accordions 1
Aug 26, 2019 12:21 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Aug 2019
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Hi. Is it possible to make the text in the accordions searchable for the WordPress search engine? The text in tabs is searchable so I can't understand why I can't search for the text in accordions??

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Search in accordions 6
Aug 26, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Accordions data saved under post meta field and default search only enabled for post title and content that's why it's not showing WordPress search result.

Hope you understand.



Search in accordions 7
Jacqueline Cote-Sherman
- Nov 13, 2019 02:57 AM
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@thj Was there ever a resolution to this? Did you resolve the problem or did you have to switch to a different plugin?

Search in accordions 8
- Aug 27, 2019 11:56 AM
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Okay i understand.
But if I have a search plugin like relevanssi, is it custom fields I have to enable to be able to search in accordions?

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