Respond to question as a visitor doesn’t work on my page :/

Respond to question as a visitor doesn't work on my page :/ 1
Sep 25, 2018 08:13 PM 1 Answers General
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I have installed the Q/A plug-in and I would like to have the possibility, for all the website visitors to respond to any questions. Now if I would like to respond it says: "something went wrong"   Can you please help me out how can I solve this issue?   Thank You!


If you can have a look would be appreciated:


Thank you!

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Respond to question as a visitor doesn't work on my page :/ 2
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Respond to question as a visitor doesn't work on my page :/ 3
Sep 25, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

I just updated the plugin to version  1.2.27

Can you please update and let me know the result.


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