Reset Location WordPress Website Wishlist Plugin Issues

Ticket for: Wishlist
Reset Location WordPress Website Wishlist Plugin Issues 1
Feb 16, 2024 07:11 PM 0 Answers
Member Since Feb 2024
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Dear Pick Plugins Support Team,

We hope this message reaches you swiftly. We are writing to report critical issues with the Wishlist Plugin installed on one of our client's WordPress websites. The problems significantly impact user experience and require immediate attention.

Problem Statements:

  1. After confirming the removal of an item from the Wishlist, it remains visible in logout user mode. The expected behavior is for the removed item to disappear from the Wishlist view for all users, regardless of their login status.
  2. When attempting to change the Wishlist icon, the actual icon does not display in logout user mode. We have made attempts to modify the icon, but it fails to render properly when users are logged out.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Log out from the user account on the website.
  2. Navigate to the Wishlist section.
  3. Remove an item from the Wishlist and confirm the action.
  4. Attempt to change the Wishlist icon and view it in logout user mode.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. The removed item should vanish from the Wishlist view for both logged-in and logged-out users after confirmation.
  2. The changed Wishlist icon should display correctly, even in logout user mode.

Additional Details:

  • WordPress Version: [Insert WordPress Version]
  • Wishlist Plugin Version: [Insert Wishlist Plugin Version]
  • Theme: [Insert Theme Name and Version]
  • Browser: [Insert Browser Name and Version]
  • Operating System: [Insert Operating System Name and Version]


Given that these issues directly affect our client's website and its functionality, we consider them critical and urgently request your immediate assistance in resolving them. Time is of the essence, and we appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Thank you for your swift action and support in rectifying these issues. Please feel free to contact us for any further clarification or assistance required.

Best regards,

KH Nazmul Ahamed
Web Designer
Al Jaami Technologies

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