Resend verification email confirmation message

Ticket for: User Verification
Resend verification email confirmation message 1
Shane Herring
May 12, 2024 11:59 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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When a verification email is sent, the confirmation message, Verification email has been sent, fades in and then fades out after approximately 2 seconds. What code modification is needed to stop the message from fading out?

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Resend verification email confirmation message 2
Azizul Raju
May 12, 2024

Hi Shane,
To assist you better, I need a little more information -
Where are you seeing the message? Is it displayed when users attempt to resend a verification email, or is it appearing in another context?

Resend verification email confirmation message 3
Azizul Raju
- May 22, 2024 01:26 PM
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We’re happy to announce that the feature you requested is now available! Just update your plugin to version 2.0.24 and you’ll be able to use it.

Resend verification email confirmation message 3
Azizul Raju
- May 21, 2024 03:12 PM
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Hi, I sincerely apologize for the delay in my response. This is great news – we’ve received your email requesting a new feature, and our developers are happy to implement it!
We’ll keep you updated on the progress and let you know as soon as the feature is included in a plugin update.

Resend verification email confirmation message 5
- May 16, 2024 02:05 AM
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Hi Azizul. I sent you an email reply with more details. Did you receive that email?

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