related posts in search results

related posts in search results 1
Nov 13, 2020 06:56 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2020
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when I search a term using the Ivory search plugin, the search results shows the pages and posts, but also all related posts from the related post plugin slider. The complete slider is visible in de search results. How do I turn this off?

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related posts in search results 2
Nov 13, 2020

Welcome to our forum.
If you search result is displaying excerpt please go to settings page under "Post types display" unchecked "Excerpt positions"

related posts in search results 3
- Nov 14, 2020 02:33 AM
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oh, actually places the related posts under de post……

Still, I don't see the images of the related posts in the search results anymore thanks to your explanation, but the excerpts of the related posts are seen as part of the origibnal post content in search results. Can I change this?

related posts in search results 3
- Nov 14, 2020 02:25 AM
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perrrrfect! Thank you so much.
Just wondering now: what does "content positions" do? (the option above exerpts positions).

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