[Private] Regarding Content Collaboration and Partnership

Regarding Content Collaboration and Partnership 1
Sep 26, 2022 02:50 PM 0 Answers
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Hi team,

My name is Sunita, and I’m the Technical Content Writer at PluginHive.com

PluginHive is one of the leading plugin authors in Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento Shipping with over 70,000 active users. Having served customers for the last five years, we are now the top extension author in the shipping domain.

You published an article on Best Product Designer Plugins for WordPress—the Interactive Guide. (https://pickplugins.com/best-product-designer-plugins/) I think it is a great read. 


I would request you to add our PH WooCommerce Product Addon

(https://www.pluginhive.com/product/woocommerce-product-addons/) to the above-mentioned article feel it will be an excellent addition to your readers. 


Thank you 


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