Refund for PostGrid Plugin

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Refund for PostGrid Plugin 1
Jennifer Pruitt
Jun 17, 2020 07:39 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jun 2020
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I purchased PostGrid Pro on June 10 and asked for a refund the same day because the Pro version was NO DIFFERENT than the free version. I have not received a response yet. I will be disputing this charge to my credit card company and reporting this to the Better Business Bureau. I would appreciate a prompt refund of my $21 purchase.

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Refund for PostGrid Plugin 1
Refund for PostGrid Plugin 3
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Refund for PostGrid Plugin 4
Jun 17, 2020
Refund for PostGrid Plugin 5
Jennifer Pruitt
- Jun 19, 2020 07:12 PM
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When I enter my license key and click "save changes," the next screen is blank – the license key is not saving. I have uninstalled both the free and pro versions and reinstalled both. The issue is that the license key is not saving. Again, after I click "save changes," the next screen I see is completely blank. When I click "license" again I see that it's asking again for my license key.

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