Redirects after succesfull register and disable auto-login not working

Ticket for: User Verification
Redirects after succesfull register and disable auto-login not working 1
Dec 22, 2022 09:53 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Dec 2022
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Hi there, hope you are well!!

-I installed and configured the plugin, but it turns out that after a successful registration, the auto-login still works despite being disabled.

-And also, having the option to disable auto-login enabled, the user registration through nasa-login-register is stuck in the loader, it never shows the successful registration from that registry.

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Redirects after succesfull register and disable auto-login not working 2
Azizul Raju
Jan 01, 2023

I'm extremely sorry for my late response.

If you've set disable to automatically log in after verification, then please set 'none' to the 'redirect after verification' option.

I know these setting is a little bit confusing, and we'll make them more user-friendly on our next update.

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