query post by meta key & value – Filterable?

query post by meta key & value - Filterable? 1
Apr 03, 2018 01:04 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2018
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Hi, I am using the "query post by" meta options and they display all the posts fine. However, it is not filtering them similar to the taxonomy query.

I would want 4 separate filters for each Meta Value to filter by. I can't use taxonomy for this specific build.

See attached.

img. 1

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img 2.

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link to the site w/ meta query : https://festivalinternational.org/2018-vendors/

Example w/ regular taxonomy working: https://festivalinternational.org/schedule/

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query post by meta key & value - Filterable? 1
query post by meta key & value - Filterable? 3
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query post by meta key & value - Filterable? 4
Apr 03, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Hi, i understand your issue, unfortunately filterable style grid by meta fields isn't available right now. this is only support by category/taxonomy


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