Query events and exclude past events?

Query events and exclude past events? 1
Nov 13, 2018 08:17 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2018
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I am making some updates for a client. I've used Post Grid in the past, and loved it, so I wanted to use it again on this project. In this case, the client has a club and regularly has events. Without forcing him to go in and delete events that have passed, I was hoping to simply use the date parameter. Unfortunately, it looks like the date range is extremely specific. Is there any easy way to just exclude dates that are basically older than "today"?

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Query events and exclude past events? 1
Query events and exclude past events? 3
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Query events and exclude past events? 4
Nov 13, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

there is some limitation to display advanced options for query post parameter, although you can filter query arguments.

Please see the documentation here


you can add your own query arguments via this filter hook. in pro version, there is post grid id parameter so you can apply query arguments by post grid id. i hope you understand.


Query events and exclude past events? 5
- Nov 13, 2018 08:18 AM
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Please do not forget to check WP_Query class arguments references


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