Query different images in different post grids

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Query different images in different post grids 1
Jan 09, 2019 02:32 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2019
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I have a group of posts, each has several images that I want to use in different ways:

1. Each post has a banner image, which is the featured image
2. Each post is queried by a post grid on the homepage which use the first image in the content as their thumbnail.
3. Each post is also queried by a post grid on a landing page, which needs a different image than the Homepage post grid and the Landing Page post grid.

Question: Is there a way to include an image in a post grid that is neither the first image in the content nor the featured image?

Thank you for any help!

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Query different images in different post grids 1
Query different images in different post grids 3
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Query different images in different post grids 4
Jan 09, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

There is a filter hook for thumbnail area, you can overwrite thumbnail by your own query, please see the documentation. https://pickplugins.com/documentation/post-grid/filter-hooks/filters-post_grid_filter_html_media/

Hope that help on your issue.


Query different images in different post grids 5
- Jan 09, 2019 09:38 AM
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Thank you, I'll check and set this as answered if it works.

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