Quastion about Application Manager Add-on

Quastion about Application Manager Add-on 1
Eddie Oliveira
Sep 22, 2019 05:12 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Sep 2019
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For companies posting a job to be able to receive candidate emails, do i need to have the Application Manager add-on installed?
To view the Status, Job Types, Years of Experience, N. of Vacancies, Jog Level, and Salary fields, you must have the Application Manager add-on installed?

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Quastion about Application Manager Add-on 1
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Quastion about Application Manager Add-on 4
Sep 22, 2019

Thanks for your post,

No, you don't need to install Application Manager add-on to see application, we have added built-in application Job Board Manager plugin itself, via Application Manager add-on you will have some extra application methods.


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