Products “Sliders to scroll” on movil doesn´t works well

Products "Sliders to scroll" on movil doesn´t works well 1
Nov 24, 2023 01:00 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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I want to know if there is some bug or just a limitation with the amount of products that can be scrolled on mobile web views.

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Customize slider settings.

Slider column count
In desktop

Max-width: 1200px & Higher, ex: 3

In tablet & small desktop

Min 577px & Max-width: 768px, ex: 2

In mobile

Max-width: 576px & Lower, ex: 1

Set slider column count.

Slides to scroll
In desktop

min-width: 1200px, ex: 3

In tablet & small desktop

min-width: 992px, ex: 2

In mobile

min-width: 576px, ex: 1

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Products "Sliders to scroll" on movil doesn´t works well 2
Azizul Raju
Nov 25, 2023

We're sorry for the inconvenience.
Please delete the default value from the Slider column count and Slides to scroll. Then rewrite the value, and save the settings so it's regenerate.

If the issue still persist please share a URL with us so we can check it online.

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