Products I love (This page doesn’t seem to exist)

Ticket for: Wishlist
Products I love (This page doesn't seem to exist) 1
Jan 03, 2020 01:34 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2020
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So I setup the archive page wishlist/ then when you click on the "Products I love" it goes to wishlist/products-i-love/ but its an error page: This page doesn't seem to exist. Do you have to setup the detail page to see the wishlist?

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Products I love (This page doesn't seem to exist) 1
Products I love (This page doesn't seem to exist) 3
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Products I love (This page doesn't seem to exist) 4
Jan 04, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please go permalink settings and save once again o reset permalink and see what's happening.


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