Product Slider Pro – View Post text being added to the end of Excerpt

Ticket for: Product Slider
Product Slider Pro - View Post text being added to the end of Excerpt 1
Jan 10, 2019 08:15 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2019
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For some reason the text View Post is being added to the end of each excerpt in the slider. I tried editing the Excerpt read more text field and it made no impact. I would like to completely remove this text (View Post not excerpt) as the products link directly to external affiliate links.

Thank you so much!

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Product Slider Pro - View Post text being added to the end of Excerpt 1
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Product Slider Pro - View Post text being added to the end of Excerpt 4
Jan 10, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Please see the screenshot how to hide post element like the excerpt, by hiding Excerpt also hide "read more text"

if you want to keep excerpt text but want to remove "Read more text" just keep and empty space " " as read more text so it will not visible. please see the screenshot what i mean

Let me know for more help.


Product Slider Pro - View Post text being added to the end of Excerpt 5
- Jan 11, 2019 02:05 PM
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You can also use the following CSS to hide read more link

.wcps-items-excerpt .read-more {
display: none;

Product Slider Pro - View Post text being added to the end of Excerpt 5
- Jan 11, 2019 02:01 PM
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Can you please clear browser cache and send me the url also?

Product Slider Pro - View Post text being added to the end of Excerpt 7
- Jan 11, 2019 08:28 AM
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It does not let me put just a blank space in there, but even if I change it to "test" for example it has no effect on the "View Post" text showing up on every product. What is strange if I try putting just a blank space in that box, after save it defaults to View product. I don't know where View Post is coming from.

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