Ok I created a word press site
I installed woo-commerce
I installed your product
I created your Designer page [product_designer]
I created a product
I went to the shop page, clicked on design
hovered over sides and product does not populate there and not in the main space.
I was watching your video, looks like some steps were missed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJEh6vEEupA
Also, where do you put in the front and back of the item
What steps am I missing to have the product shown?
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Without checking your admin can't confirm what you have missed, can you please send me a temporary admin access to check the issue?
Please send any login info via contact page
Hello, I'm having the same problem, on the "Product Designer" page (www.cadoulideal.com here you can find the link to site) the plugin doesn't populate the page, but if i click on a product and customize it, the link it sends me on the "Product Desiner" page. Also 'front' and 'back' side aren't displayed even though i added them.