Product image and title link

Product image and title link 1
Oct 14, 2024 06:37 PM 1 Answers
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I'm trying your WooCommerce product slider. I have 2 problems with it

  1. My products is Book, let me know how can I hook Book writer name after product title. I have tried this 'wcps_layout_element_thumbnail_url' hook but writer name appearing above product image, but I need that under title. And
  2. Product image and Title has no link to single product page, please let me know how can I add link there.


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Product image and title link 2
Azizul Raju
Oct 15, 2024

Hi Saberul,
Welcome to Pickplugins.

If the content is coming from a meta field, you can easily display it using our meta fields element.
Here is a screenshot -

If the content is from a post-author, please refer to the documentation below -
Note: On the action hook, you'll see the priority is set to 10. Please change it to a higher value and experiment.

If you've already written code, please host it as a gist on GitHub and share the link with us.

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