Price table width not responsive

Price table width not responsive 1
Nick Polley
Jan 09, 2019 09:55 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2019
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Hi. I'm trying to set up my price table using your plugin and the width is not responsive when viewed on a phone. The column width can only be set to a fixed number of pixels, so it doesn't adjust when viewed on different screens.
I need the plugin to be full width on a desktop (with the 4 columns evenly spaced) and then each column full width in a slider once the screen size is tablet or phone.

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Price table width not responsive 1
Price table width not responsive 3
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Price table width not responsive 4
Jan 09, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

We have two pricing table plugin, can you please tell me which one are you using?

also if possible please send me your pricing table page url.


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