post grid wordpress

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
post grid wordpress 1
May 02, 2019 05:47 PM 1 Answers
Member Since May 2019
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I'm using wordpress 5.1.1 and I make the Post Grid update from 2.0.30 to 2.0.31. Now My query posts are not regular. All posts apears on page so I want to display only articles from 1 spécific category.

Why update modify my configuration ?
How to remediate ?
How downgrade the version to 2.0.30 ?

2 Subscribers
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post grid wordpress 4
May 02, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

Don't worry, you should see a notice at top "Data update required for Post Grid » Update"

you should click Update link to process,

after update successful, you will see the taxonomies under the option "Post Taxonomies & terms" please click on each expands icon and will see the options to select categories.

Please see the screenshot


post grid wordpress 5
- May 02, 2019 09:39 PM
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Due to my urgency, I did the dowgrade and as expected now we are working well. If there is any solution to this problem, I will upgrade again.

Thank you!
Camila Matias

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