Post Grid showing 2 grids/double Post! :(

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Post Grid showing 2 grids/double Post! :( 1
Hershel Gau
Apr 30, 2020 05:48 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Apr 2020
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I am finally getting this thing figured out but I can't seem to get it to stop showing the double post...Any help?

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Post Grid showing 2 grids/double Post! :( 1
Post Grid showing 2 grids/double Post! :( 3
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Post Grid showing 2 grids/double Post! :( 4
May 02, 2020

Welcome to our forum.
have you solved your issue, please send me your post grid page URL, if the issue still happening.

Please note, i have tried your user login but didn't work.

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