[post grid] shortcode not displaying entire page

[post grid] shortcode not displaying entire page 1
Dec 19, 2018 11:23 PM 1 Answers General
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Hello, my [post grid] shortcode is not working on my webpage https://kaisimonpost.com/exercise-video-membership/

When I use [post grid] shortcode, the page just shows up as blank. Then when I remove the [post grid] shortcode, the page displays without the post grid. My hosting provider technical support, WP Bakery Page Builder plugin support and Search and Filter plugin support have ALL concluded this issue is coming from Post Grid. Please review the page and provide me with your diagnosis and solution with detailed instructions, if necessary. I can provide you with any other information needed to get this issue fixed. I need my page to display properly.

I look forward to your response.


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[post grid] shortcode not displaying entire page 2
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[post grid] shortcode not displaying entire page 3
Dec 19, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please enable debug and debug log, and then regenerate the error and check the debug file, let me know if you found any issue with our plugin,

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

Please see details about debug.


let me know the update.


[post grid] shortcode not displaying entire page 4
- Dec 25, 2018 05:21 PM
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Can you please remove post grid shortcode form all portfolio post content and see what's happening. i am still confused how it's working on other sites if you have done same things.


[post grid] shortcode not displaying entire page 5
- Dec 24, 2018 08:08 PM
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Thanks for looking into my issue. I received your reply but have not heard back from you. I have 2 questions left. Please reply.

[post grid] shortcode not displaying entire page 5
- Dec 22, 2018 09:41 PM
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Nur, I reinstalled the plugin using the file you sent me and the issue still exists. no change whatsoever. Please advise.

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