Post Grid Search by PickPlugins vs Post Grid Combo

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Post Grid Search by PickPlugins vs Post Grid Combo 1
Sam Miller
Nov 02, 2023 12:11 AM 1 Answers
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Hi.  I am working on a client's site and notice both "Post Grid Search by PickPlugins" and "Post Grid Combo" installed, but thr Combo plugin can't be activated due to conflicting class names (Fatal error: Cannot redeclare post_grid_search_keyword_field() (previously declared )....  Does the Combo plugin replace the Search plugin?

I am not sure if either of these are actually being used anywhere, but wanted to check before pursuing more info here.

Thanks for letting me know if both of these plugins can work together, or if the COMBO plugin replaces the SEARCH plugin.





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Post Grid Search by PickPlugins vs Post Grid Combo 2
Azizul Raju
Nov 02, 2023

The Post Grid Combo plugin has a search feature.
Plugin URL -
Screenshot -

I don't think you need 'post grid search by PickPlugins'. Let us know if you're facing any issues.

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