Post Grid: Retrieving Custom Field / Meta Key for a custom ‘File’ Field.

Post Grid: Retrieving Custom Field / Meta Key for a custom 'File' Field. 1
Jul 11, 2018 10:50 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jul 2018
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• I'm using the pro version of 'Post Grid'.

• Using ACF, I have added a custom 'file' field to my custom post type ("Resources"). For this custom field in ACF, I have chosen to return the value of the file's URL (not 'File Object' or 'File ID').

• When displaying my posts with Post Grid, I can only seem to pull the file's ID. I have tested with a simple custom text field, and it displays alright, but I need to keep it as a 'file' selection field to keep things easier for the user

Thanks for any help!


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Post Grid: Retrieving Custom Field / Meta Key for a custom 'File' Field. 1
Post Grid: Retrieving Custom Field / Meta Key for a custom 'File' Field. 3
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Post Grid: Retrieving Custom Field / Meta Key for a custom 'File' Field. 4
Jul 11, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

I understand your issue, In this case i would like to suggest you to create a shortcode  for the expected output and you can use that shortcode by HTML element on layout editor

You can get access to post id by following functions.


I hope this way you can display better way than meta key field.

I hope you understand.

Please let me know if you need more help.


Post Grid: Retrieving Custom Field / Meta Key for a custom 'File' Field. 5
- Jul 12, 2018 09:08 PM
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Glad to hear that.


Post Grid: Retrieving Custom Field / Meta Key for a custom 'File' Field. 6
- Jul 12, 2018 01:26 AM
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Success! After republishing my posts, things seem to work. Thank you!

Post Grid: Retrieving Custom Field / Meta Key for a custom 'File' Field. 6
- Jul 12, 2018 12:07 AM
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To further clarify, I tried using the 'html' approach you mention, using an entry of: [acf field="resource_file_url"]

This, however, returns not only the URL, instead outputting: ID, file name, file type, , , file URL.

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