Thank you for your great plugin It works great but I found what could be an issue. At least I cannot find the way to get it work! When I watch the site on mobile devices the responsiveness somehow seems not working. I tried with other mobile devices with the same result.
Is I change the mobile orientation from portrait to landscape the thumbnails and thext are coopped as one was on top of the other. They appear superposed. You can see a capture here:
If I then turn it to portrait and back to landscape, some times keeps the same but sometimes then it works.
My layout settings are
Am I doing something wrong?
the site URL is
Thank you in advance!

Welcome to our forum.
Can you please set
Masonry enable > No
And let me know how its works, i noticed, WordPress earlier version added masonry itself, might causes the issue. we may update the plugin to fix this issue.
Please let me know the result.
I watched the site in quite different types of mobile devices and browsers and it works grest now!
Thank you!