Post Grid Pro – Limit posts to before or after today, inclusive

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Post Grid Pro - Limit posts to before or after today, inclusive 1
Mar 13, 2023 09:20 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2023
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I have two post grids, and on one, I would like to show only posts where the 'date' (as set in the 'date' parameters of the post's 'quick edit') is before today.  On the other, I would like to show only posts where the 'date' of the post is after today.

I'd also like to be able to specify whether the query is inclusive of today.

The link that the plugin shows for query syntax is out of date.
The new location for the page, BTW, is

That documentation page is for PHP syntax, so I don't really know how that relates to parameters
that one might put into the query from the Post Grid Pro plugin's "Query Post" tab...

Is there a way to do this from the Query Post tab, without modifying my template, otherwise writing PHP,
or creating new metadata (I'd like to just use the existing 'date' property of the post) ?

A working example would be most appreciated.


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Post Grid Pro - Limit posts to before or after today, inclusive 1
Post Grid Pro - Limit posts to before or after today, inclusive 3
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Post Grid Pro - Limit posts to before or after today, inclusive 4
Azizul Raju
Mar 15, 2023

We've extended the feature and updated the pro version of post-grid-combo(v3.3.7). Please update your pro version.
Kindly follow my screenshot:

[post_grid_today_date format='Y']
[post_grid_today_date format='m']
[post_grid_today_date format='d']

Let us know if it helps.

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