[post grid premium ] need help modifying Skin type HalfThumbLeft

[post grid premium ] need help modifying Skin type HalfThumbLeft 1
Nov 12, 2016 10:34 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Mar 2016
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hi there..!

i am currently using post grid plugin's premium latest version .

i want a small change in its skin type - HalfThumbLeft (see attached screenshot please)

i want to decrease the area used by the tumbnail in the grid container that is horizontally (by width) upto 50%.
and fill it by increasing the area used by the title and excerpts.

if you can help me in this i would greatly appreciate it. thanks 🙂

[post grid premium ] need help modifying Skin type HalfThumbLeft 2

2 Subscribers
[post grid premium ] need help modifying Skin type HalfThumbLeft 1
[post grid premium ] need help modifying Skin type HalfThumbLeft 4
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[post grid premium ] need help modifying Skin type HalfThumbLeft 5
Nov 12, 2016

Welcome to our forum,

you will need to override CSS for width, please add following CSS to custom CSS box, you need to adjust value 28% & 70%

.skin.halfthumbleft .layer-media {
  width: 28% !important;

.skin.halfthumbleft .layer-content {
  width: 70% !important;

Let me know for more help.


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