Post Grid Plugin – layout with the most recent post bigger

Post Grid Plugin - layout with the most recent post bigger 1
Aug 02, 2017 09:25 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2017
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Is it possible to make the most recent post bigger than the others with the Post Grid Plugin?

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Post Grid Plugin - layout with the most recent post bigger 1
Post Grid Plugin - layout with the most recent post bigger 3
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Post Grid Plugin - layout with the most recent post bigger 4
Aug 02, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please check our demo you might looking for something liek this.

Please note these layout is only available in premium version, let me know for more help.


Post Grid Plugin - layout with the most recent post bigger 5
- Aug 02, 2017 10:20 PM
Flag (0)

Sorry, this feature isn't available right now. but i guess you can the same job by customizing CSS, can you please send me a live demo you are looking for.


Post Grid Plugin - layout with the most recent post bigger 6
- Aug 02, 2017 09:21 PM
Flag (0)

Hello, Nur Hassan. Thanks for your kindness and for your quick reply.

Actually, my client is searching for a 3-column grid with the most recent post bigger (2 columns wide) and the third column on the right of the bigger post.
So if I buy the premium version, would be possible to customize the width of the most recent post? (Maybe with a couple of css changes?)

I made below exemple in order to try to make myself clear – where "(WW)" is the most recent post and the "x" is the regular posts:
(WW) x
x x x
x x x


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