I just updated to WP 5.4. Now I'm facing some problems in the backend of generatepress caused by the post grid plugin
1) On a page with generatepress sections after clicking "update" the following message appears (the page itself seems to be updated properly however): "Updating failed. Die Antwort ist keine gültige JSON-Antwort."
2) When editing genereatepress elements some dropdown boxes are displayed empty (e.g. hook or location rules)
As soon as I deactivate the post grid plugin everything is ok. So I guess the problem is more on the side of the post grid plugin than on generatepress. But I thought may be you have an idea why this behaviour occours after the update to WP 5.4? Before everything was fin. And how can I fix it? Is there the possiblity to disable the post grid option sections?
Thank you very much!