We have the Pro version of Post Grid. I can include the grid layout to category pages, replacing the default theme's layout, following the instructions on https://pickplugins.com/documentation/post-grid/faq/post-grid-for-archive-page/. However, since we want to use the "Load More" pagination, once the button is clicked, the grid loads posts from all categories while it should load more from the same category! In fact, no matter what type of pagination I select in post grid settings, it always loads posts from all categories. This same problem was reported by other users in this ticket, https://pickplugins.com/question/how-to-use-page-category-inside-post-grid-pluing/, but as can see, it hasn't be replied or solved.
So, any idea how to solve this problem?
You can check how this works on https://riseshine.scratchdev.ca/category/main-dish/ where your Post Grid Pro plugin has been installed.
Welcome to our forum.
Hope you get replied via email support, please keep reply on there.
Yes, I was replied via email support, and the updated version of the plugin fixed the issue!.