Post Grid – item alignment and mobile issues

Post Grid - item alignment and mobile issues 1
Apr 14, 2017 08:10 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Apr 2017
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Hello, your Post Grid plugin works perfectly for me. However, I wonder if following things are possible to do (using custom scripts, or by purchasing the paid version of the plugin):

  1. Let's say I have 4 grid items (posts), and grid item width set to 33%. 3 posts are in the first row, and the 4th post is in the next row, but it is centered. Is it possible to make it appear on the left side?
  2. Is it possible to use 'flat' skin (post title etc. underneath the thumbnail) on mobile devices only? I am happy with captions appearing on hover on desktop, but on mobile there is no hover.

Thank you for your support!

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Post Grid - item alignment and mobile issues 5
Apr 14, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

#1. item elements css depend on layout editor css, you can set  text-align: left

or you can use following CSS under custom CSS input box to apply all items,

.post-grid .item {
  text-align: left;


#2. sorry this feature isn't available right now, but interesting to me, if possible i will update it next version.


Post Grid - item alignment and mobile issues 6
- Apr 15, 2017 12:30 AM
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#1, please try following CSS

.post-grid .grid-items {
text-align: left;

float property may cause issue with other items, no matter if its works fine.

#2. i also love to update new feature, will try to bring it.

#3. you need to add your own CSS to override by "!important"


Post Grid - item alignment and mobile issues 7
- Apr 14, 2017 06:14 PM
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Thank you very much for your answer!
#1 what I meant is how to make the whole grid item, not the text, appear on the left instead of appearing in the middle ( I tried using:
.post-grid .item {
float: left;
and it worked fine (, but after adding more posts it looks like this:

#2 I would love to see this feature in the next version!

#3 I have another question: when I hover on a thumbnail, there is an opacity transition. Is it possible to set the opacity value (for example 90% instead of 100%) and transition speed?

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