Post Grid is shown as a single column, not a proper grid

Post Grid is shown as a single column, not a proper grid 1
May 31, 2017 02:56 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2017
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Hi everybody,

So I have been trying out your Post Grid Plugin and really liked it in theory. Unfortunately i was not able to apply it in the way I expected it to.

I wanted to do a list of all projects (the issue remains also if i am using posts) in a grid with maybe 3 or 4 columns. Nevertheless, no matter how i change the plugin settings (grid item width) it always only shows me one column. Already tried with different distinct width as well as fixing it to a percentage. It still does not change the column amount present. Here is a link to the preliminary grid page:

Any help is highly appreciated!

Best regards,

– sir waldo

2 Subscribers
Post Grid is shown as a single column, not a proper grid 1
Post Grid is shown as a single column, not a proper grid 3
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Post Grid is shown as a single column, not a proper grid 4
May 31, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

I have checked your page previously and told you the custom generated CSS are missing. please see the sample here

And see the screenshot for your site


This is happening if you customized/edited or override the core plugin code.


If you please send me a temporary admin access to your site then i can check the issue.



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