Post Grid: Incorrect date and missing category when woocommerce product shortcode is also in a post

Post Grid: Incorrect date and missing category when woocommerce product shortcode is also in a post 1
Mar 18, 2018 04:04 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2018
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I have a grid template that displays:

Featured Image
Category Name - Post Date
Post Title

I noticed that whenever a post contains the Woocommerce shortcode 

then the category name does not display in the item on the grid, and the date is always January 6, 2018.

When I remove the Woocommerce shortcode, the category returns and the correct date does, too.


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Post Grid: Incorrect date and missing category when woocommerce product shortcode is also in a post 1
Post Grid: Incorrect date and missing category when woocommerce product shortcode is also in a post 3
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Post Grid: Incorrect date and missing category when woocommerce product shortcode is also in a post 4
Mar 18, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please tell me which shortcode are you using? i will test with it.


Post Grid: Incorrect date and missing category when woocommerce product shortcode is also in a post 5
- Mar 21, 2018 11:55 AM
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HI, i just checked the plugin and used the shortcode you mentioned. plugin is working fine and as expected.

Not sure what wrong happening with you,c an you please deactivate others plugin one by one to check if any 3rd party plugin causes the issue.


Post Grid: Incorrect date and missing category when woocommerce product shortcode is also in a post 6
- Mar 21, 2018 02:02 AM
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Any update on this?

Post Grid: Incorrect date and missing category when woocommerce product shortcode is also in a post 6
- Mar 18, 2018 07:20 PM
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I had it typed into my message above, but it looks like it didn't include it. Here is it without the brackets:

product sku="SKU"

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