Post Grid (how to display grids in all categories not only on one chosen page)

Post Grid (how to display grids in all categories not only on one chosen page) 1
Nov 01, 2019 06:30 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Sep 2019
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Hi, dear support! I want to display my postgrids in all my categories. I have got some Questions:
1. I suppose i have to buy PRO Version to be able to display Gridposts in all my catigories? I know nothing about PHP language that's problem. For Example, we have 3 Categories: cars, trucks, motorbikes and homepage. I would like to display grids on all catigories and on homepage? What should i do?

2. Can i display grids only on homepage with trial version or on another other page i choose but only one page?

3. Is it possible to make pagination with AJAX together?

4. are all Pro versions able to display grids on all categories?

Thanks a lot =)

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Post Grid (how to display grids in all categories not only on one chosen page) 1
Post Grid (how to display grids in all categories not only on one chosen page) 3
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Post Grid (how to display grids in all categories not only on one chosen page) 4
Nov 02, 2019

Welcome to our forum.


Display post grid on archive pages only available in pro version, Yes you can display post grid under any category or custom taxonomies like tags, or WooCommerce product category and etc.

you will need to manually edit the theme code. i can help you to integrate. please see the documentation


Ther is no trial version but free version available at you can display post grid anywhere via shortcode, yes you can display also pages on the post grid.


Yes you can display ajax pagination on pro version, please see the demo

Let me know for more help.


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