Post Grid: Hover effect is not working on iOS devices

Post Grid: Hover effect is not working on iOS devices 1
Feb 12, 2018 10:01 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Feb 2018
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I use version 2.0.23 of the Post Grid plugin and the thumbgoleft effect. But on iOS devices it is not working. The image will not be hidden.

After I have added 'onclick="void(0)"' to the div statement (class-shortcodes.php, line 102) it is working on iOS devices.

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Post Grid: Hover effect is not working on iOS devices 4
Feb 12, 2018

Welcome to our forum, this is probably CSS3 issue, although i just update plugin, can you please update plugin in version 2.0.24,

please make sure you clear browser cache and css file loaded the latest files.

Let me know the result.


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