post grid filterable does not working for me!

post grid filterable does not working for me! 1
Feb 25, 2017 10:55 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Feb 2017
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hello .. i installed post grid and created a filterable grid but it is not working... please help

i follow this instructions:

How to create filterable grid ?

  • Query Post > Taxonomy & Terms (Categories) > Select some categories
  • Navigations > Grid Type >
  • Navigations > Pagination >
  • Check Navigations > Filterable style grid settings for more options
3 Subscribers
post grid filterable does not working for me! 1
post grid filterable does not working for me! 3
post grid filterable does not working for me! 4
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post grid filterable does not working for me! 5
Feb 25, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please send me your url ?

Might be jQuery error on your page.


post grid filterable does not working for me! 6
- Mar 05, 2017 12:42 PM
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I have 34 posts but post grid shows just 12 posts!

post grid filterable does not working for me! 6
- Mar 04, 2017 01:23 PM
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I choose jquery pagination but it load 3 item in next page
i want to loads 9 items

post grid filterable does not working for me! 6
- Mar 04, 2017 01:11 PM
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it works with your solution thank you
but some categories doesn't have any post and paging in filterable doesn't exist
please give me your email address i send you admin access

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