Post Grid Combo – Filter and pagination do not work

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Post Grid Combo - Filter and pagination do not work 1
Peter Leuenberger
Nov 30, 2022 04:09 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Dec 2019
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The filtered menu does not work. No posts are displayed.
The pagination is also not visible although "Normal Pagination" is set.
Everything was working fine until a few days ago. Can you help me? 
Best regards Peter
2 Subscribers
Post Grid Combo - Filter and pagination do not work 1
Post Grid Combo - Filter and pagination do not work 3
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Post Grid Combo - Filter and pagination do not work 4
Azizul Raju
Nov 30, 2022

Hi Peter,
I can see you've enabled the Masonry option. Please note that Masonry will not work for the filterable grid. Please turn off the option.

Go to Edit mode of your post grid.
Under Masonry, you can find an option called Masonry enable. Just set its value to No.

Let us know if it helps.


Post Grid Combo - Filter and pagination do not work 5
Azizul Raju
- Dec 10, 2022 11:30 AM
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Hi Peter,
Sorry for my late reply.

We had an issue with our ‘Filterable Grid,’ but finally, we have fixed the issue and updated both the free(v2.2.12) and pro(v3.2.38) versions. To fix your issue, please install the latest pro version, 3.2.38.

In order to get the pro update, you’ve to include the license key under settings. Screenshot:
You’ll get a notification for updates if you’ve included the license key. If you missed the notification, then from your WordPress dashboard => Updates, and click on the ‘check again’ link. Then check the pro version and update.

What if your license has expired?!
If you’re seeing this message, that means your license is expired, and you’ve to renew. There was a bug in our ‘renew license’ functionality, but now we’ve fixed the issue.
If you don’t want to renew still, we’ll provide you with the latest pro version because the last pro version was not stable. But you’ll not get our future updates.

Let us know your decision.

Post Grid Combo - Filter and pagination do not work 6
Peter Leuenberger
- Dec 07, 2022 04:32 PM
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The grid works, but the filter and pagination no longer work.
Why does it appear to me:
Your Post Grid plugin license has expired, please

Do I have to pay again?
Did you get the access data for WordPress?

Post Grid Combo - Filter and pagination do not work 5
Azizul Raju
- Dec 03, 2022 05:39 PM
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Under Grid settings, could you please try to use column number instead of pixel value?

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