Post Grid 3.0.27: masonry + filter is not working together

Post Grid 3.0.27: masonry + filter is not working together 1
May 22, 2016 06:56 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2016
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I have a query for cpt and its taxonomies. All fine so far. But if I activate mansonry, the posts are hidden. Only the links of the filter are visible. It makes no difference which navigation I choose. I can see with firebug, that the query works, the posts are there, but they are not shown.
It is with WordPress 4.5.2 and local on Xampp 5.6.21

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Post Grid 3.0.27: masonry + filter is not working together 2
May 22, 2016

Welcome to our forum,
You might missed the features mentioned in our demo

  • Multiple post type selection
  • Multiple Taxonomy selection.
  • Must loaded all post you want to display. set max value for “Posts per page
  • Support pagination
  • No Support for Load more.
  • No Support for Masonry.

We still hasn't implemented masonry with filterable styled grid.
Let me know for more help.
Best Regards

Post Grid 3.0.27: masonry + filter is not working together 3
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Post Grid 3.0.27: masonry + filter is not working together 3
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thank you for the fast reply. It would be great if you’d consider to implement this 🙂

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