Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Would it be possible to add an option to disable assigning target windows for links? Currently you have to pick one, and it doesn't do well with another plugin we use, which uses an optional "_blank".
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Hi, sorry for late reply, can you please tell me which version are you using?
for us the problem is this: we have a post grid on our front page. It has mostly articles from our own site, which we would like to open in the same tab. But we also have external links, which we would like to open in a new tab. For the external articles we are using the plugin Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin ( https://fi.wordpress.org/plugins/quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin/ ), which has the option to set a target="blank" for those links.
Now, to the wish for Post Grid plugin, and the problem that we have. In the layout editor, which ever option we choose for the link target, it will dominate and override the option set in other plugins. Therefore we hope, that in the link target option list, there would be an additional option: "do not set target for the link". Then links would normally open in the same tab, unless some other plugin sets otherwise.