In my website using Sydney Theme with its child theme, I intended to put the Post Grid on homepage to show 9 post items out of 12 post items in total, then trying to use pagination to show the other 3 post items on page 2. However, I noticed the following issues when selecting:
1.) Pagination: It show only 9 posts without any next page selection below. However, if I choose showing just 8 posts, 7 posts or 6 posts per page, it has no such issue and it show the pagination navigation below to the next page, but the total posts shown by the two pages still just only 9 posts, not 12 posts.
2.) JQuery Pagination: Same issue as above.
3.) Load More: Show 9 posts initially, then click on the "Load More" button, it show 12 posts, looks fine. However, one of the random post will be missing and a duplicate post will be shown in the list (means it actually just shown 11 different items, with two items are the exact same post).
Could you please help to determine if this is a conflict with the theme, misconfiguration or just a bug in the plug-in? Thank you.
Pagination show wrong number of posts
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Well, we are working on this plugin to next update something also changes navigation selection, please allow me one week to check all of your issues here is the work in progress